Curriculum Intent
At Anlaby Primary School, we believe that being successful comes from being happy and feeling safe, in a stimulating environment where everyone can learn and feel valued. We intend that all children enjoy their learning, become independent lifelong learners, and achieve their potential. Through our carefully planned curriculum, we make sure that our children are well equipped for life when they leave us at the end of Year 6 and beyond. Our curriculum is broad, balanced and meets the needs of the National Curriculum. It follows a thematic approach where meaningful cross-curricular links are made, where possible, and children are provided with a range of rich and memorable learning experiences across Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2. As well as meeting the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, we believe the curriculum has a vital role in promoting children’s physical and emotional wellbeing as well as life skills such as collaboration, respect and tolerance in order for them to become well rounded, positive citizens.
As a school, we aim to:
- Engage children through interesting topics and hands-on activities.
- Make meaningful links between subjects.
- Develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding of a range of themes and concepts.
- Allow opportunities for children to apply knowledge and skills in different ways.
- Make effective connections to the real world.
- Help children to think creatively and solve problems.
- Develop children’s capacities to work independently and collaboratively.
- Enable children to make choices about their learning.
- Take account of children’s interests and fascinations.
- Plan for clear progression across subjects and year groups taking account of prior learning and next steps.
Our approach:
- Develops all children to the best of their abilities.
- Helps children to find their passions and interests.
- Facilitates children’s acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding.
- Helps children to develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and morally.
- Assists children in becoming independent, responsible, useful, confident and considerate members of the community.
- Promotes a positive attitude towards learning, so children enjoy coming to school.
- Helps children to acquire a solid basis for lifelong learning.
- Creates and maintains an exciting and stimulating learning environment.
- Ensures that each child’s education has continuity and progression.
- Enables children to contribute positively within a culturally diverse society.
If you wish to know more about our Curriculum click on the links below;
Anlaby Primary Curriculum Policy
Whole School Long Term Plan
For information on individual subjects click on the links below;
Religious Education
Art and Design
Design and Technology
Modern Foreign Languages
Physical Education
For information of each Year Group click on the links below;
Foundatgion Stage 1
Foundation Stage 2
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6