
Safeguarding at Anlaby Primary School

Here at Anlaby Primary, our whole-school commitment to our safeguarding responsibilities ensures clear measures are in place, to keep not just our pupils but also our parents / carers, our staff and the wider community safe from harm.

We maintain our commitment to safeguarding in a number of ways, which include:

  • offering pupils a nurturing environment that fosters healthy relationships and positive mental health.
  • listening to our pupils and encouraging them to share any concerns with trusted adults and actioning support or referrals, as necessary.
  • working with families to access Early Help or other support from external agencies.
  • following strict guidelines to ensure all staff, visitors and contractors have appropriate DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance.
  • having filtering and monitoring provisions in place to protect children from inappropriate online content.
  • reviewing our safeguarding practices and associated policies regularly and providing on-going staff training.
  • teaching our pupils how to stay safe through PSHE lessons, E-Safety lessons and the wider curriculum.

Should you have a safeguarding concern about a child in our school, please speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Ms. Taylor-Wood or our Deputy DSL Mrs. Rudd, who are responsible for Child Protection. Mrs. Janine Power is our Safeguarding Governor. 

Our interim Head Teacher and DSL are also supported by our School Business Manager, Mrs. Cherry, in safeguarding matters such as site safety, first aid / medical and staff recruitment.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children (KCSiE 2024)

If any professional, family member or member of the public has a worry or concern around the safety or welfare of a child, they can make a referral to the Local Authority Safeguarding Teams on one of the following numbers:

  • East Riding Safeguarding and Partnership Hub (SaPH): 01482 395500. 
  • Hull Early Help and Safegurading Hub (EHaSH): 01482 448879

Children’s Emergency Duty Team (CEDT) – Out of Hours Contact:

  • East Riding: 01482 393939.
  • Hull: 01482 300304

The Children’s Act 1989 places a clear responsibility on schools to ensure they work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of all children. As a result, if concerns are raised within our school or a child (or parent / member of the public) reports a situation involving possible abuse, Anlaby Primary has a duty to inform the Local Authority Safeguarding Team. Please be aware, it may not always be possible to discuss this with the parent or carer. Our school will follow the advice from SaPH / EHaSH.

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a Police and Education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people exposed to domestic abuse.

Operation Encompass is the reporting to schools before the start of the next school day when a child or young person has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous evening.

The information is given in strict confidence to a school’s Key Adult to enable support to be given dependent on the needs and wishes of the child.

Operation Encompass is a Trauma Informed and Trauma Sensitive charity. We acknowledge and understand the impact of Domestic Abuse as an Adverse Childhood Experience.

Operation Encompass mitigates against the damaged caused by exposure to Domestic Abuse and other Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

For further information click on the link:


To find out about our Rainbow Room

and ELSA / wellbeing support in school,

please click the image below.