
Online Safety

The internet can be one of the most inspiring and positive places for children to learn and have fun. It is an amazing resource which enables children and young people to connect, communicate and be creative in a variety of ways across different platforms and devices.

However, the internet is always changing and being able to keep up to date with your child/ren’s use of technology can be a struggle, especially when it sometimes feels like they have better technical skills than you do! Therefore, we have put together a list of resources below that you may find useful to help protect your child when spending time online. The issues that your child may encounter on the internet will vary depending on their age and online activities.


In school, pupils' time online is closely monitored within class. As part of Computing and PSHE lessons, safety online is regularly taught and discussed, covering aspects such as what to do if they encounter a problem or come across inappropriate content, their personal conduct on social media and that of others and what the law is around our lives online. Click HERE to download our Online Safety Policy.

In addition to this, we use the Smoothwall Filtering and Monitoring system, which prevents access to sites deemed inappropriate for children / school use. These reports are monitored daily by the DSL and any potential breaches investigated and acted on immediately.


General Online Safety Resources

Parental Controls

Children are gaining access to and owning their own devices from an increasingly younger age. Devices can be great for learning and development, however parents should be aware of how to monitor the content available to their child/ren and put in safety measures to prevent them accessing something unsuitable.

Pre-installed parental controls are available for most devices, laptops and consoles and are part of the system when you buy them. You can often download e-safety apps and software to supplement these controls. But the most important thing is to set the controls on the device itself.