Welcome to Year 1


Teachers: Miss Britton and Miss Davy

Support staff: Miss Sutton


Key messages

In Year One, your children begin the year with access to continuous provision in order to aid the transition from Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. During the first few weeks, we prepare the children for a more structured form of learning and then continue this throughout the year. We appreciate your support in all that we do. At home, you could help by:

  • Ensuring that children read at least four times a week
  • Ensuring that children complete their weekly homework tasks       
  • Ensuring that children come to school with the items they need for that day including reading bookmarks, water bottles, PE kit, any letters that need to be returned, a school bag and wellies when requested
  • Regularly checking your emails and Marvellous Me as we no longer send paper letters home


Year Group Curriculum Information

Here you can download our long-term plan to find out what we will be learning this year.

This year, our topics are:

  • Magical Me/Superheroes: As part of Magical Me, we will learn about our past and how we grow and change. In our Superhero topic, we read lots of books about heroes and find out about ‘real life’ heroes. 
  • Bright Lights, Big City: As part of this topic, we find out about the Great Fire of London and the changes that occurred as a result.
  • The Seaside: During this topic, we take a school trip to Bridlington and explore how the seaside has changed.


When teaching reading, we use the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme. If you would like anymore information, please click on the image below.



If you have any further questions or need any support, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address:


Miss Britton – fletcher@anlabyp.co.uk

Miss Davy – donaldson@anlabyp.co.uk


Welcome to Year 1


Teachers: Miss Britton and Miss Davy

Support staff: Miss Sutton


Key messages

In Year One, your children begin the year with access to continuous provision in order to aid the transition from Foundation Stage into Key Stage 1. During the first few weeks, we prepare the children for a more structured form of learning and then continue this throughout the year. We appreciate your support in all that we do. At home, you could help by:

  • Ensuring that children read at least four times a week
  • Ensuring that children complete their weekly homework tasks       
  • Ensuring that children come to school with the items they need for that day including reading bookmarks, water bottles, PE kit, any letters that need to be returned, a school bag and wellies when requested
  • Regularly checking your emails and Marvellous Me as we no longer send paper letters home


Year Group Curriculum Information

Here you can download our long-term plan to find out what we will be learning this year.

This year, our topics are:

  • Magical Me/Superheroes: As part of Magical Me, we will learn about our past and how we grow and change. In our Superhero topic, we read lots of books about heroes and find out about ‘real life’ heroes. 
  • Bright Lights, Big City: As part of this topic, we find out about the Great Fire of London and the changes that occurred as a result.
  • The Seaside: During this topic, we take a school trip to Bridlington and explore how the seaside has changed.


When teaching reading, we use the Read Write Inc. phonics scheme. If you would like anymore information, please click on the image below.



If you have any further questions or need any support, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address:


Miss Britton – fletcher@anlabyp.co.uk

Miss Davy – donaldson@anlabyp.co.uk