Pupil Premium

IIntent Statement

As a school, we are committed to providing the conditions and opportunities to enable our pupils to realise their full potential in all aspects of school life. We recognise that some pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds may need addition support to help to overcome their barriers to learning. Anlaby Primary School is a place where everyone can succeed and is committed to diminishing differences between vulnerable pupils and their less disadvantaged peers. The Pupil Premium forms a vital part of this process. The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium funding (PPF) will help us to achieve our vision to raise attainment and accelerate progress for eligible pupils, whatever their academic starting point and potential.

To do this we ensure that:

  • Quality first teaching and high aspirations in the classroom meets the needs of all pupils to achieve or exceed age related expectations.
  • Appropriate provision will be made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
  • We recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged and not all who are socially disadvantaged will be registered or qualify for free school meals.
  • We will also use the Pupil Premium grant in areas where eligible pupils show a particular aptitude, but where their parents’ financial circumstances may prevent them from accessing specialist coaching or instruction (e.g. learning  to play an instrument)
  • We will rigorously monitor the impact of strategies used and review provision in the light of tracking data and other evidence (Assessment, Pupil Progress Meetings)
  • Governors are involved in monitoring the attainment between different groups of pupils


Pupil Premium Implementation

The use of Pupil Premium funding (PPF) is to diminish differences between those pupils receiving it and their non-Pupil Premium peers.  All our work through (PPF) will focus on raising the achievement of disadvantaged children to reach or exceed their age related expectations. To do this we will analyse our data thoroughly to inform our decision making to maximise the impact of our pupil premium spending. Teaching staff will be involved in the analysis of data and identification of pupils’ strengths and weaknesses.

The range of provision will include:

  • High quality additional support delivered by a teacher or trained TA
  • Effective data analysis
  • Good quality feedback (to foster self-esteem and confidence)
  • Individual or small group Intervention programmes to support learning (additional reading, maths or phonics)
  • High expectations for those pupils who could flourish further with the appropriate intervention
  • Use of good quality resources
  • Curriculum enrichment opportunities (visits, visiting theatres, sporting opportunities, clubs)
  • Family engagement and attendance (breakfast club, homework support, pastoral support, transition support)


Intended Impact

  • Pupils of socially disadvantaged backgrounds will be able to succeed in all lessons due to quality first teaching and appropriate provision to help pupils overcome their barriers to learning
  • The progress of Pupil Premium pupils will be in line with or above their peers and national averages
  • With appropriate support, Pupil Premium students will be confident learners



Mrs Power is the Governor responsible for monitoring and oversight of the Pupil Premium Children. She meets regularly with Mrs Rudd our Pupil Premium Champions to discuss the school's strategy for pupil premium children and monitors the spending.

It is important that if you are in a family that may be eligible for free school meals you claim for them. This is now doubly important since the introduction of Universal Infant Free School Meals. Some parents think that because their child already receives a free meal it is not necessary for them to apply. This means that the school loses valuable income that can help many children. We send regular reminders outlining the importance of applying for this grant as the school does not automatically get the money.

Please see attached report on how this funding has been used in school during the last financial year.

Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024/25

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023/24