Our Staff
Mr James Elliott (EYFS Lead) , Miss C Newton, Mrs. F Gibson, Mrs. K Horton, Mrs L. Ridgway
Starting School
Some of you will be familiar with Anlaby Primary School having attended our nursery class, others will be new to the school. In our Reception class, we welcome children from many different early years settings. We understand that starting school can be a big step for children and their parents. The Anlaby Primary School Foundation Stage team believe that children learn best when they are happy and will endeavor to ensure all children have a positive start to their school life.
Many Parents are anxious when their child starts school; whether they will settle and if they will make friends. Our Foundation Stage team are very experienced in settling children into school and have many strategies in this area. In our experience, young children are very good at making friends but if a child needs a little bit of extra support, the staff will be there to help them.
When your child is allocated a place in our Reception class, you will be invited to attend a meeting at the beginning of May. During the Summer Term, your child will be invited to attend a series of tester session to meet their teachers and the children in their new class.
Ways to help your child at school
Some things which may appear small and trivial to us can be very important to young children, who usually want to fit in and be the same as everyone else. You can help your child by:-
Our Curriculum
At Anlaby Primary School, our aim is for children to become enthusiastic, independent and happy learners, developing the foundations of lifelong love of learning. Our curriculum is designed to link subjects together in topics, with a strong emphasis on Language and Literacy development.
Our Learning is arranged under the headings:
More curriculum details on can be found by clicking the link below.
Our learning is arranged into topics:
Autumn: All About Me and Festivals & Celebrations
Spring: Fairytales and Animals & Plants
Summer: Where in the world are we? and Transport & Travel
In addition to our topics, we value our children as unique individuals with their own interests. Where possible, we provide children with opportunities to follow their own interests, imaginations and fascinations.
We are lucky to have a large indoor and outdoor area. Recognising many of our children prefer to learn outdoors, our children have access to our outdoor provision most of the day.
Our School Day
All our children have a daily phonics session. We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics and reading schemes. More information can be found at on our Phonics page: Click here
A snack of fruit is available to children during activity times. Children are encouraged to take their snack when they are hungry.
Our Partnership
We look forward to getting to know all our families. Over the course of a year we hold events where Parents and Carers are invited into school. These include parental consultation evenings, subject meetings and more fun events, including making Christmas decorations and decorating Easter Eggs.
We like to share the things your child is doing at school through our Tapestry app, especially their WOW moments.
Contacting Staff.
There will be times when you need to speak with your child’s class teacher. This can be done either by direct email to the class teacher at
Inkpen: Mr Elliott inkpen@anlabyp.co.uk
Rosen: Miss Newton rosen@anlabyp.co.uk
Alternatively, if you need to speak to a member of staff in person, we will try to arrange it for the end of the day.
If you wish to find more information about how to support your child with phonics click on the image below;
Our Staff
Mr James Elliott (EYFS Lead) , Miss C Newton, Mrs. F Gibson, Mrs. K Horton, Mrs L. Ridgway
Starting School
Some of you will be familiar with Anlaby Primary School having attended our nursery class, others will be new to the school. In our Reception class, we welcome children from many different early years settings. We understand that starting school can be a big step for children and their parents. The Anlaby Primary School Foundation Stage team believe that children learn best when they are happy and will endeavor to ensure all children have a positive start to their school life.
Many Parents are anxious when their child starts school; whether they will settle and if they will make friends. Our Foundation Stage team are very experienced in settling children into school and have many strategies in this area. In our experience, young children are very good at making friends but if a child needs a little bit of extra support, the staff will be there to help them.
When your child is allocated a place in our Reception class, you will be invited to attend a meeting at the beginning of May. During the Summer Term, your child will be invited to attend a series of tester session to meet their teachers and the children in their new class.
Ways to help your child at school
Some things which may appear small and trivial to us can be very important to young children, who usually want to fit in and be the same as everyone else. You can help your child by:-
Our Curriculum
At Anlaby Primary School, our aim is for children to become enthusiastic, independent and happy learners, developing the foundations of lifelong love of learning. Our curriculum is designed to link subjects together in topics, with a strong emphasis on Language and Literacy development.
Our Learning is arranged under the headings:
More curriculum details on can be found by clicking the link below.
Our learning is arranged into topics:
Autumn: All About Me and Festivals & Celebrations
Spring: Fairytales and Animals & Plants
Summer: Where in the world are we? and Transport & Travel
In addition to our topics, we value our children as unique individuals with their own interests. Where possible, we provide children with opportunities to follow their own interests, imaginations and fascinations.
We are lucky to have a large indoor and outdoor area. Recognising many of our children prefer to learn outdoors, our children have access to our outdoor provision most of the day.
Our School Day
All our children have a daily phonics session. We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics and reading schemes. More information can be found at on our Phonics page: Click here
A snack of fruit is available to children during activity times. Children are encouraged to take their snack when they are hungry.
Our Partnership
We look forward to getting to know all our families. Over the course of a year we hold events where Parents and Carers are invited into school. These include parental consultation evenings, subject meetings and more fun events, including making Christmas decorations and decorating Easter Eggs.
We like to share the things your child is doing at school through our Tapestry app, especially their WOW moments.
Contacting Staff.
There will be times when you need to speak with your child’s class teacher. This can be done either by direct email to the class teacher at
Inkpen: Mr Elliott inkpen@anlabyp.co.uk
Rosen: Miss Newton rosen@anlabyp.co.uk
Alternatively, if you need to speak to a member of staff in person, we will try to arrange it for the end of the day.
If you wish to find more information about how to support your child with phonics click on the image below;
Our Staff
Mr James Elliott (EYFS Lead) , Miss C Newton, Mrs. F Gibson, Mrs. K Horton, Mrs L. Ridgway
Starting School
Some of you will be familiar with Anlaby Primary School having attended our nursery class, others will be new to the school. In our Reception class, we welcome children from many different early years settings. We understand that starting school can be a big step for children and their parents. The Anlaby Primary School Foundation Stage team believe that children learn best when they are happy and will endeavor to ensure all children have a positive start to their school life.
Many Parents are anxious when their child starts school; whether they will settle and if they will make friends. Our Foundation Stage team are very experienced in settling children into school and have many strategies in this area. In our experience, young children are very good at making friends but if a child needs a little bit of extra support, the staff will be there to help them.
When your child is allocated a place in our Reception class, you will be invited to attend a meeting at the beginning of May. During the Summer Term, your child will be invited to attend a series of tester session to meet their teachers and the children in their new class.
Ways to help your child at school
Some things which may appear small and trivial to us can be very important to young children, who usually want to fit in and be the same as everyone else. You can help your child by:-
Our Curriculum
At Anlaby Primary School, our aim is for children to become enthusiastic, independent and happy learners, developing the foundations of lifelong love of learning. Our curriculum is designed to link subjects together in topics, with a strong emphasis on Language and Literacy development.
Our Learning is arranged under the headings:
More curriculum details on can be found by clicking the link below.
Our learning is arranged into topics:
Autumn: All About Me and Festivals & Celebrations
Spring: Fairytales and Animals & Plants
Summer: Where in the world are we? and Transport & Travel
In addition to our topics, we value our children as unique individuals with their own interests. Where possible, we provide children with opportunities to follow their own interests, imaginations and fascinations.
We are lucky to have a large indoor and outdoor area. Recognising many of our children prefer to learn outdoors, our children have access to our outdoor provision most of the day.
Our School Day
All our children have a daily phonics session. We follow the Read Write Inc. phonics and reading schemes. More information can be found at on our Phonics page: Click here
A snack of fruit is available to children during activity times. Children are encouraged to take their snack when they are hungry.
Our Partnership
We look forward to getting to know all our families. Over the course of a year we hold events where Parents and Carers are invited into school. These include parental consultation evenings, subject meetings and more fun events, including making Christmas decorations and decorating Easter Eggs.
We like to share the things your child is doing at school through our Tapestry app, especially their WOW moments.
Contacting Staff.
There will be times when you need to speak with your child’s class teacher. This can be done either by direct email to the class teacher at
Inkpen: Mr Elliott inkpen@anlabyp.co.uk
Rosen: Miss Newton rosen@anlabyp.co.uk
Alternatively, if you need to speak to a member of staff in person, we will try to arrange it for the end of the day.
If you wish to find more information about how to support your child with phonics click on the image below;